Monday, August 2, 2010

Standard divorces are much more profitable for attorneys

TimbyHunt - Divorcing While Keeping The Children in Tact

I spoke to another attorney a few days ago who told me they wanted to stop doing divorce law. So, of course, I am thinking that it is because of the same reasons that I stopped doing standard divorces...the cross-examining of small children, the stress of dealing with clients that are unhappy with the court's decisions etc.

I asked another question, thinking he was about to say to me, "screw the money I have been making doing these angry's not worth it!" I innocently thought that he might say this because of the niceties that go along with the kind of law that I practice. Of course, I was jolted back into the real world two seconds later when his response was,

"No...of course not. We are going to hire someone to do the divorce work. There is way too much money in it for us to stop doing that."

And there you have it in a nutshell. The money his firm makes is a result of the contentious nature of divorces. When you have fighting, screaming, children being put in the middle, etc. the fees will always be higher. Because of all the time that is billed to achieve simple tasks, letters back and forth, simple requests, accusations, alimony issues...all that mean more billable hours. Instead of sitting in a cooperative atmosphere with each other and moving on peacefully for the kids sakes, people choose to spend money so they can exact some sort of revenge.

What's your take on this? Are there people reading this that don't want to cooperate because they hate or want to get revenge on the other?

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