TimbyHunt - Divorcing While Keeping The Children in Tact
So, I have been a divorce attorney for about 14 years and...
What I have concluded during my tenure is it should be made harder to get married. Right now it only costs about $50 give or take to get a marriage license. Of course, you can increase the cost by the expense of the reception etc. But legally, it is a very low cost thing.
But, given the lack of thought that many people put into ending the marriage, maybe it should cost $10,000 to get a license in the first place. If you think about it, marriage is one of the most expensive partnerships a person can enter into - expenses for houses, cars, kids, retirement, education. No one adds it up because it's crazy, yet it only costs about $50 to jump in. Did I say kids? Yes I did...can value be put on YOUR KIDS?
Like it or not, when there is money required up front, people give their choices more consideration.
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