TimbyHunt - Divorcing While Keeping The Children in Tact According to a study by the University of Ohio, divorce is the number one destroyer of wealth in this country. People who divorce lose an average of 3/4th of their net worth. This, of course, includes attorneys' fees but also likely is related to poor decision making born from emotional overload.
Divorcing is stressful and sad and sometimes bitter. If you work within a process that recognizes all of this and helps you deal with it though it doesn't have to destroy your future. Collaborative divorce utilizes professionals for all of the various facets of the divorce -
-Psychologists specializing stress management, grief and coping.-
-A child specialist who gives your child a person to talk to about how the divorce makes him/her feel.-
-AND Financial planners/Accountants to demonstrate the long range effects of a proposed property settlement.-
At the point of divorce, you cannot go back, you cannot undo but you can look forward and minimize the damage.
Funny, but in Tiger's case...he won all those tournaments whilst married! Since the standard divorce has begun...he can't even make the cut.
A study by an Ohio State University researcher shows that a person who marries and stays married accumulates nearly twice as much personal wealth as a person who is single or divorced.
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