Friday, October 7, 2011

7 things to watch out for when looking for a Collaborative Attorney

Collaborative Law is an option for every divorcing couple. But that’s only one of a few important facts your confrontational attorney is likely to leave out in your initial interview.

  • An expertise in Collaborative Law is achieved through specialized training which includes mediation training. Divorce litigators hungry for your business will tell you they can "collaborate", they don't need training.  They can't and you will be on the path to litigation.

  • Traditional divorce can increase the risk of interpersonal problems for children.
  • There is a financial incentive for traditional divorce lawyers to fuel the fire.
  • Couples get more “bang for the buck” in a collaborative divorce.
  • 83% of divorce clients say they would approach the process differently if they could.
  • Most divorces don’t go to trial. Which means many dollars your attorney charges you for trial prep is a waste.
  • The average case managed by a TimbyHunt Collaboative attorney costs less than traditional litigated divorce.

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