Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is your ex discussing you on Facebook?

TimbyHunt - Divorcing While Keeping The Children in Tact

More and more family lawyers are hearing clients complain about their soon-to-be-ex talking about them on Facebook or texting to torment them. I even had one client call to tell me her estranged's girlfriend, who also happened to be a Facebook "friend" of hers, was posting family pictures on her Wall that included my client's estranged husband!

My advice to her, at a hefty hourly rate, mind you, was to either:

a) Defriend the mistress or

b) Suspend her Facebook account until after the divorce.

Here's the thing; I am a big fan of Social Media but I also firmly believe that people need to learn how to control themselves. Often children read what their adult parents text to each other or post on Facebook. If parents are ripping each other apart or posting pictures of their girlfriends or boyfriends, it is only going to add to the kids anxiety and fear during a divorce.

What you write might also be used in court against you too, folks. Here's an article Time Magazine published about divorce and Facebook:

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